Category Archives: Parent

MOTHER’S DAY…IS Around the Corner

MOTHER’S DAY is just around the corner…

Surprise your Mother with this Scentsational gift…

Mother’s Day Full-Size Scentsy Warmer. The understated curves and soft mauve finish of Mother’s Day are topped by a luxe medallion of interconnected silver hearts, spangled with sparkling rhinestones.

It definitely has all the finesse and grandeur that any Mother deserves!

Order YOUR Mom’s Mother’s Day warmer 24/7 @ OR shop online 24/7 for any Scentsy gift!

Mothers Open Their Hearts Earnestly Resplendently

Mothers Open Their Hearts Earnestly Resplendently

After writing my little blurb about my Mom, I started thinking…  In today’s society we seem to get so busy with our hectic lifestyles that we sometimes forget what our Mothers and Fathers do and did for us.  We get caught up in the “almighty dollar” and it seems sometimes we only remember how our parents corrected us or scolded us.

However, do we really remember how much they sacrificed for us?  I remember vividly – being a baby boomer – a different time and era in this beautiful world in which we live. 

I too realize that today is so much different from those days…boy life seemed and WAS so much more simplistic then – LOL.  I remember when a piece of bubble gum was a penny…and then there was penny candy!  Do you remember when gas was only about .35 cents a gallon?  I remember my parents getting all bent out of shape if gas went up a penny – alas those days are gone.

My Mom “always” cooked – we didn’t eat out a lot – always a home cooked meal.  I recall like clockwork, on Sundays she would get up early and cook dinner “before” we went to church.  And, we always had pot-roast with potatoes and carrots.  Add to that green beans, rolls and usually some kind of dessert.  Of course there was the good ole staple “iced tea.”  Funny thing back then, Mom would leave her roast on the stove cooking on low heat while we were at church.  I would “not” do that today – again it was a different time and mindsets were different as well.

I know as parents we sacrifice today – probably more-so in many different ways.  As I look back, I see the love that was displayed and given in “everything” that was done.  It could have been washing a favorite pair of jeans or shirt – or as simple as making my favorite cake – Red Velvet – whatever it was – Mom always displayed love.  Don’t worry, I have not forgotten about Fathers…they are for another day soon.

Many Mom’s have passed from this place and are missed greatly in the hearts of millions.  I know in my heart that when my Mom leaves this world – there will be a definite void in my heart, BUT I know that the love and memories that have been built and added upon throughout these years will sustain me.

Mother’s Day is @ the corner…HOW will you remember your Mom? 

It could be as simple as a BIG HUGE hug…a card…an “I Love YOU”…or maybe just a listening ear…or your presence – in her presence. 

It may also be placing a beautiful bouquet of flowers on her grave in honor of her…and a gentle little whisper or maybe out loud “Mom I love you and miss you terribly” or maybe “I wish you were here” or maybe you will quietly hold your breath and think in your heart – “Mom I miss you greatly, but you are no longer in pain or suffering.” 

Mothers Open Their Hearts Earnestly Resplendently

A Mothers Love…Still Forever Strong

Easter has passed…and Mother’s Day is upon us.  I thought it befitting to write a short poem about Mothers.  My Mom will be 74 this year and I have to state that her frame of mind is not what it used to be, and I miss her at times…I love you Mom.

Here is the short poem I penned…

A Mothers Love…Still Forever Strong

A Mothers love should never be tested

A Mothers love should never be tried

A Mothers love – it never resteth

Until a Mothers breath her last is drawn…

A Mothers love…still forever strong

A Mothers love has not an end

Like a circle it begins…and begins…and begins

nothing can replace the bond between a Mother,

Daughter or Son

Until a Mothers breath her last is drawn…

A Mothers love…still forever strong

A Mothers love stands the test of time

but a Mothers love..oh ’tis not a nursery rhyme

Yet our hearts bind tightly to every key

tightly to everything Mother said

or hoped that we could be…

Until a Mothers breath her last is drawn…

A Mothers love…still forever strong

One day her breath will become her last

and in that moment…

a present becomes a past

The sweet release of life so tender

bringing me always to remember…

A Mothers love has not an end

Like a circle it begins…and begins…and begins

nothing will replace

the love of a Mother


Until a Mothers breath her last is drawn…

A Mothers love…still forever strong.

                                                       Pillihp ©

I am also including the song “Mama” by Il Divo – if you have not heard it – you should listen to it:

It’s Frgrance Foam Friday


Nowhere near a sink? 

Sanitize your hands with Scentsy’s new antibacterial Fragrance Foam.

Emollient-rich, lusciously scented, and alcohol free.

Fragrance Foam kills germs, without drying hands.  Available in 20 fragrances!  See them all @  Shop online 24/7.

I currently sanitize using Scentsy Fragrance Foam – Coconut Lemongrass.  You may purchase @

Coconut Lemongrass – Creamy, tropical coconut and sunny, bright lemongrass. 

What is YOUR favorite Scentsy Fragrance Foam?  Shop online 24/7 @

View my Scentsy Facebook presence:

Red Wine “Spilled” on Furniture Fabric – OMG!

Have you ever spilled red wine on furniture?  This recently happened to me.  My sister came over to have dinner.  She and I both love to have a good glass of red wine with our dinner.  Needless to say, when we both sat down to relax a moment before dinner – as we had always done.  I have a Miniature Schnauzer and she decided it was time to jump up on my sister while she was lifting her wine glass.  You guessed it… red wine all over my couch.  I immediately went into panic mode.

I grabbed the first towel I could find and a roll of paper towels as well.  I then remembered that I had a can of “Spot Shot.”  I ran to retrieve it.  If you have never used Spot Shot, you should consider getting a can to keep on hand for emergencies.  I had only used it on my carpets in the past – but this was not carpet.  I had to tackle getting red wine out of my beautiful sage green chenille couch.  I acted so quickly that I forgot to “test and area” first.

I soaked up as much of the spill as I could – I DID NOT rub in a circular pattern. I placed the towel(s) over the spots and then pressed downward, unless the paper towels soaked up the liquid first.  After soaking all of the wine I could, I sprayed the spots, and there were MANY.

I let the Spot Shot set a few minutes as I was afraid to leave it on too long since I had not tested an area.  I know I was in attack mode thus the forgetfulness!  Again, I did NOT rub in any circular pattern.  I simply placed the paper towel over the place where the spot was and gently pressed to soak up the spill and the Spot Shot.  If you had seen the spills on the couch you would have freaked out as there were about 8 different places.  The spots were well some large and some not so large.

As I began my laborious task of removing the spots, to my AMAZEMENT ALL, EVERY DROP of red wine was taken out of my couch.  I was so very pleased and will attest to anyone that this is in my opinion the “BEST” product to remove any stains you have.  I have used it on white carpet as well and it produced the same results.  If you have a pet it is a necessity to have Spot Shot as a regular staple product “under your kitchen sink” and IT WORKS!

My couch is very contemporary and about 7′ in length so you see my need to not let it be ruined.

IF you are looking for an “excellent” stain removal product get you some Spot Shot.  Most large stores carry it, but I would recommend purchasing it at a discount club for a better value.  You cannot miss it as the cap on the can is bright orange and the can itself is blue and orange.

This product is also GREAT for pet stain removal – odor included!

My first exposure to this product was several years ago.  I had bought a new home and had carpet placed in the whole house.  The dealer that sold and installed the carpet “highly recommended” the product to me.  I ran out and bought a can then and MUST state that it has been the best investment that I keep on hand at all times!



 Lenny the Lamb Scentsy Buddy – Sweet and soft, Lenny the Lamb is 5.5″ wide, 9.5″ tall when seated, and 15.5″ tall from head to toe. He comes alive with fragrance when you place a Scent Pak in the zippered pocket in his back.

The Scentsy Buddy is the perfect cuddly companion, for the child in your life or the child in you, the Scentsy Buddy™ is always ready with a big dose of comforting fragrance!

Snuggle your Buddy for a great night’s sleep or make outings fun when you bring a playful friend along. The Scentsy Buddy is the perfect cuddly companion–and there for you no matter what.

Each Buddy features a zippered pocket to hold scrumptious Scentsy fragrance. Just insert a Scent Pak™ and bring your Buddy to life with comforting scent.

For children ages 3 years and up. Meet all of the Scentsy Buddies @

You may purchase any of the Scentsy Buddies @